5 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

5 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child
Published 14/08/2019 (2160) views

Like many other parents, you would want your children to be respectful, have manners and above all, successful in all their life endeavors. But, come to think of it. How do you measure happiness while raising your children?


In adults, success is measured in objective ways through significant life events such as getting married, promotion at work, buying luxuries and so forth. Studies have proven that a positive correlation exists between happiness and success in many adults. However, it isn’t easy when trying to measure happiness and success in children.


In the words of a happiness expert in the United Kingdom, "Emotional health in childhood is the key to future happiness." 

Emotional health begins in the lives of children at a very tender age. Their happiness during each stage of development determines whether they’ll grow healthy and happy or otherwise. In order to increase the happiness of emotional state in your children, consider the following tips in raising a happy child. Let’s get started:


Be a Happy Parent: As parents, your children will always look up to you as an example. However, if you are determined to raise a healthy and happy child, begin to place more emphasis on your own happiness. It’s unrealistic to say that you’ll be happy at all times. When you are happy at most times, you’ll serve as a model for positive emotional health to your children thereby making them happier.


Foster Relationship: Every child possesses a natural tendency to feel loved, understood and wanted. Teaching them to foster a good and healthy relationship with their peers, friends, neighbors and the entire community at large can increase their levels of emotional happiness.


Teach Emotional Intelligence: As it was discussed earlier, teach your child the exact thing you practice. Place more emphasis on their emotions and focus on helping them build a normal and healthy emotion. Apart from that, you need to help them understand the basic concepts of emotions. Help your child understand how to cope with emotions and also express them productively and healthily.


Encourage Gratitude: Gratitude, when done on a consistent basis, can have a positive impact on the individual happiness of your child. While you continue to become more mindful and more grateful especially to people around you, you tend to become happier. Practice and encourage gratefulness with your child on a regular basis both for happy moments and otherwise. 


Praise: As children, learning continues to develop in them on a daily basis. Whenever you see them trying to get the things you’ve taught them right, you need to praise them. Positive reinforcement for a job well done can take some time, but it goes a long way on the road to personal happiness.

There you have it! Perhaps 5 secrets to raising a happy child. 

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